Parent & Me
Held monthly on weekends, this Parent & Me program is designed so that child and parent or guardian can learn together at Hayes Farm in our Teaching Gardens specifically designed for growing food, exploring bugs, weeds, flowers, worm composting and lots of exciting cooking & food sampling adventures.
It’s our hope that families will attend all five monthly (June-Oct) learning activities in order to experience the full growing season. Each session is 2-4 hours long (depending on age of child). Registration is free with an NBCHG membership ($20). Maximum 8 families per session.
June - main season crops, Three Sisters planting, transplanting,
composting and recycling, wildlife, make bug/toad houses
July - thinning and harvesting, bugs and worms, vermiculture
August - late season crops, harvesting veggies, dehydrating
September - ‘all things apples’, monarch butterfly and seed bombs,
signs of Fall, collecting and processing seeds
October - Sunchokes, preparing for winter, corn husks, bird feeders
Dates and registration details coming soon!